About Us

Jack J. Murphy,
Chief Operation Officer
Jack is a Fire Marshal (ret.), a former deputy chief and has served as a deputy fire coordinator for the N.J. Division of Fire Safety (Bergen County). He is a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) principal committee member for the NFPA1660 Standard for Emergency, Continuity, and Crisis Management: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery; NFPA 1082 Standard for Facilities Fire and Life Director Professional Qualification; and NFPA 2800 Standard on Facility Emergency Action Plans. Jack also has served on the High-Rise Building Safety Advisory Board. He is the Past Chair of the New York City Fire and Life Safety Directors Association (FLSDA).
In 2002 after the September 11th World Trade Center incident, Jack was the FLSDA task force leader responsible for developing the first version of the building intelligence card for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). Over the years, he has been involved with national, state, and local building and fire codes to advance the concept of building intelligence for first responders and building owners as part of emergency planning.
Chief Murphy has lectured at national and international fire and life safety forums and has published numerous books and articles for fire service and security publications. Those include the chapter entitled “Pre-Incident Planning” in Fire Engineering’s Handbook for Firefighter I & II; RICS — Rapid Incident Command System field handbooks; and the books Bridging the Gap: Fire Safety and Green Buildings and High-Rise Buildings — Understanding the Vertical Challenges, which he co-authored.
Jack is a contributing editor at Fire Engineering Magazine and a FDIC/Clarion Fire and Rescue Group Advisory Board Member. In 2012 he was the recipient of the Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Fire Engineering for his extraordinary contributions to the fire service.
High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges, By: Jack J. Murphy
This comprehensive guide to preventing, managing, and responding to emergencies within the high-rise environment is a must-read for building owners, property management, architects, engineers, and firefighters. The authors provide insights into man-made and natural emergency events in these large structure, and show how outcomes are impacted by planning, human behavior, and the actions of first responders and occupants. Chapter 7, “If These Walls Could Talk,” is devoted to pre-incident planning to gather building intelligence. This book can be purchased at this link.

James Dove
Director of Operations
James has been working in technology since 1994, starting with Maquiladoras Manufacturing in Mexico. He designed and implemented a JIT inventory system for many of the control environment manufacturing facilities across the border. In 1999, he designed and created his first of many SAS model solutions for the financial services industry, which is still in use. Since then, he has founded several companies and sits on the boards of both commercial and nonprofit organizations.
Prior to his technology career, James was an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), serving 8 years active duty and holding various command billets including Commanding Officer in the first Gulf War. He spends his free time volunteering for Boy Scouts, youth athletics, and the USMC “Toys for Tots” program.
Our Commitment to Innovation and Safety
At eBIC, we are not just creating technology – we are shaping the future of emergency response and building safety. Our leadership team’s extensive experience and ongoing contributions to the field ensure that our solutions are always at the forefront of industry needs and best practices.
We invite you to explore our Knowledge Center to benefit from our team’s expertise and stay updated on the latest developments in building intelligence and emergency response.
eBISG Building Intelligence Solutions
Contact us at: info@ebisg.com